In 2007, I had already stated that I was not so much into this whole aggressive battle rap stuff. It was 11 years ago, and for us teenagers it was just away to rebel and provoke people.
“I would never rap stuff like that anymore. “For outsiders who have never dealt with the scene and hip hop culture in general, it always looks more aggressive and intolerant than it actually is.” Yet, Cataldi himself has not always been so “tolerant”, rapping, to give an example from 2004, “Suck dick, you gay pig, faggot, asshole,” and one wonders if there might not be a certain amount of promotional gamesmanship involved here. “The hip hop community has always been very tolerant!” he claims.
Antilopen Gang responded with the gayer-than-thou “Verliebt” video, with their own Danger Dan engaged in a same-sex embrace.Ĭataldi has been somewhat inconsistent on the subject.
The media has been relentless, with reactions ranging from anonymous Facebook gay-bashing (“No tolerance for faggots #nohomo” is a typical post) to accusations of being a gay basher himself, from no less than the SPD’s Volker Beck, who claimed that “Bass Sultan Hengzt is causing a homophobic ‘shitstorm’”. The result has been a major uproar within the scene.